Tungsten Park Handcross

Commercial development at Tungsten Park, Handcross
Project Name
Tungsten Park, Handcross
Carbide Properties
Handcross, West Sussex
HTC Architects, Magrock, Goodrich Consulting
Construction Value

PRP were appointed by Carbide Properties to undertake a drainage strategy report and flood risk assessment for an 83,000ft2 commercial development at Handcross.

The site was originally a garden centre surrounded by ancillary businesses.  PRP designed all the foul and surface water sewers and included a variation for phase 2, all the external yards, substructures and superstructures.

The surface and foul water drainage were complex as there were no appropriate sewers within 3km of the site, so a SuDS system utilising swales and open attenuation ponds was designed with a BioDisc to treat the foul effluent.

All necessary approvals were obtained from the Environment Agency and the Lead Local Flood Officer to produce a SuDS compliant scheme providing biodiversity and amenity to the area.