Lime Kilns Hinckley

Project Name
Lime Kilns, Hinckley
Tungsten Properties
Goodrich Consulting, Quantum Construction, HTC Architects

Lime Kilns, situated on Tungsten Park, Hinckley is a development of two new high quality detached industrial/distribution units with a combined floor area of 63,500ft². PRP undertook all ground investigation works as well as providing full civil and structural engineering services.

PRP worked with the contractor on a cut and fill analysis to optimise the proposed site levels to keep as much material on site as possible. PRP also undertook detailed design of SuDS, attenuation and pumped surface and foul water systems.

The project encountered a number of challenges, from existing underground services during design development to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The buildings include a curved roof design and glazed entrance foyers, creating attractive premises for potential tenants.