Junction 20 Lutterworth

  • Junction 20 Lutterworth
Project Name
Junction 20 Lutterworth
Tungsten Properties
HTC Architects Leeds, Clugston Construction
Construction Value
Approx £14m

PRP were instructed to provide ground investigation, foul & surface water design and foundation design services for a new 115,000ft² distribution centre and 5,000ft² of office space. The project was on a greenfield site with an approximate fall of around 5m across it.

The phase 1 report indicated that the underlying strata were likely to be variable so initially we undertook the investigation using trial pits to determine the competency of the soils and recover sufficient soils for contamination testing. We then followed this with a series of deep boreholes to determine the soil strength and other geotechnical properties.

PRP also designed the foul and surface water systems and designed the foundations for this project.

With the recovered soils from deeper depths we commissioned rigorous analysis and concluded that the soils could be compacted therefore avoiding substantial construction costs associated with suspending the floor slab and supporting it on piles.