Butt Road Colchester

Project Name
Butt Road, Colchester
Marfleet and Blyth, Arbora Architects
Construction Value
This project exemplifies urban regeneration, involving partial demolition of a former army barracks and construction of 33 affordable houses to meet local needs. The buildings blend with the townscape, incorporating a playground and a mix of terraced and semi-detached houses.
Despite its urban setting, the latest SuDS techniques were used, including blanket soakaways beneath porous paved roads, with surface water discharged into coarse granular aggregate via diffusers. This ensured the SuDS treatment train was maintained. Additionally, reducing hardstanding, each property featured gardens with soft landscaping, lowering surface water run-off.

A notable feature from the barracks, a masonry arch fronting Butt Road, was preserved and restored to commemorate the site’s history. This arch now serves as an attractive pedestrian entrance to the development’s core.

The project faced complexities, including securing approval for Section 278 highway works for two new bus stops and the entrance along Circular Road West, whilst preserving the original masonry which was in poor repair.