Beech Close East Midlands

Project Name
Beech Close East Midlands
East Midlands

PRP were instructed to manage the comprehensive refurbishment of a 3-bedroom residential property in the East Midlands following extensive fire damage.

After the initial inspection, a critical analysis was undertaken; the fire had caused extensive damage to the whole of the property which necessitated replacement of the roof structure, the first floor structure, walls, windows, doors, lintels, all internal finishes, and all services. This presented a complex and multifaceted restoration project.

The property was tenanted at the time of the fire, therefore the objective was to reinstate the property back to its original condition in a timely manner to limit losses and enable it to be occupied again.

PRP completed a measured and full building survey and prepared specification and design drawings to enable the works to be tendered.

The selection of the main contractor was a pivotal decision for the project and criteria such as quality, project timeline, and cost were considered to ensure the project’s success.

PRP undertook various roles throughout the project including contract administrator, CDM coordinator, and party wall surveyor and were responsible for ensuring the project was delivered to programme and in accordance with the agreed tender fee.

This enabled the swift re-entry of the tenants minimising both rental losses and costs incurred.  The property was restored to its original condition and the project showcased our ability to manage complex refurbishments.